Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Superpower

If I could have any superpower in the world it would be the ability to fly amazingly fast. Not only is flying great for getting around and saving people like superman but its also great because you can travel anywhere without spending any money. You wouldn’t have to spend money on gas nor would you have to spend money on a plane ticket. You may ask why I have rejected such amazing talents like the ability to run superfast or a super stamina boost but when you think of how often people are rushing around to get to places in there cars being able to fly will save loads of time. In big cities while others are waiting anxiously in traffic jams to get to there destination if you could fly you wouldn’t have to wait in that annoying and painful traffic jam. Being able to fly also keeps me out of danger. If my enemy is lunging at me in an attacked position I can fly away in order to protect myself. Perhaps one day as I walk down a street and a boulder falls off a tall building as I look up I don’t have time to move but if I can fly super quickly and save myself from a excruciating death. Flying is great for travel as I can fly to Paris or Italy from North America in less then an hour and is great for protection as my enemy will never be able to hunt me down.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Toronto Blue Jays 09 Season Review

The Jays started the season with a terrific start going 25 and 11 to start the year. They had players emerge into bonafide MLB sluggers like Aaron Hill and Adam Lind that guided the team to that fiery start. However, the jays suffered a season blow when they lost all nine games on a 9 game road stand. The Jays tumbled from first in the AL East to third and it only got worst from there. The Jays lost 70 of there final 118 games resulting in low attendence ratings and there General Manager losing there job. That wasn't the only hardships the Jays encountered during there rough season. Both Alex Rios and B.J Ryan former all stars who had been signed to huge contracts were both released during the year due to lack of production and season long slumps. The year was somewhat of a disaster for the Jays but a few bright spots could make great contributions in the future.

Lets start off with what went wrong. Some people ask how do the Jays collapse after getting off to such an amazing start? Well some would blame it on players like Vernon Wells and Alex Rios who failed to contribute in a significant way all season. Cito Gaston who was called out at the end of the year for being a poor manager and failing to communicate with players. Injuries to pitchers like Marcum, Mcgowan, and Litsch all young prospects who were supposed to make key impacts during the season. There really wasn't one thing that you could label that caused the dissappointing season the Jays had. Just a whole lot of problems that were distractions and eventually led to the downfall of the season. Both Vernon Wells and Alex Rios were signed to huge contracts in the offseason. Former all stars who were supposed to be the leaders offensively but failed to live up to expectations. On July 15th, halfway through the season both players had combined to hit only 17 homeruns which was horrendous considering Rios the year before had 22 alone. Eventually, on August 2nd Rios was released and claimed by the White Sox. It was great that the jays had got rid of his ginourmous contract however Wells 16 million still was on the Jays payroll. At the end of the year, jays manager Cito Gaston was called out by the players for failing to communicate with players and get the most out of young future stars like Travis Snider. " It's almost like he is ignoring everyone" an anomyomous quote from a Jays player. Gaston was shocked and it was just another problem that this team had to endure. Finally, young pitchers like Marcum, Mcgowan, and Litsch were nowhere to be seen as major injuries cost them the season. This resulted in young pitchers from Triple A to be called up and pitch without any big league expierence. These pitchers were put under pressure to perform and struggled but did show hints of the future for die hard jays fans. Ricky Romero was one of those pitchers and midway through the season was a strong consideration for rookie of the year. The Jays had alot of hardships over the coarse of the year and it cost them eventually finishing 4th in the AL East....again!

Lets talk about some things that went right for the Jays. First off, Adam Lind and Aaron Hill both had amazing seasons each collecting at least 30 homers and 100 RBI. Aaron Hill was named the starting 2nd baseman for the AL All Star Team which was a huge honour and also collected some hardware at the end of the year being named comeback player of the year. Adam Lind quietly put up All Star numbers and if the Jays had made it to the playoffs probably would of been a strong consideration for MVP. Both players had tremendous years and are now labeled as some of the most dangerous players in the American League. Other players like Scutaro, Barajas, and Ruiz also showed some glimpse of promise for the Jays future. Scutaro showed that he could play perfect defence as well as hit, Barajas slugged over 20 homers, and Ruiz who was called up in the last month of the season hit 11 homeruns in one month. Yes, there are some promising players in the jays system and trading veteren players for prospects and draft picks was also a important task that the jays accomplished. In the end, the Jays still fell short but with players emerging as stars this team could be competitive in the AL East soon.

In conclusion, the Jays had there share of highs and lows during the 2009 season. Hopefully, with players getting better and a new sense of leadership in a recently hired Alex Anthopoulous to be the new general manager, its only a matter of time before the Jays can compete with the likes of powerhouse teams such as the Red Sox and Yankees.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

5 Things I would grab if my House Burnt Down

If my house were to burn down and I could only grab 5 things I would definitely grab my dog, my Sidney Crosby autographed game used jersey, my XBOX 360, all my jerseys that I have, and lastly grab some chips and pop and enjoy the show. My dog is pretty much part of my family and while it lacks any intelligence to escape on its own I would have to grab it because I would hate to have it go down with the house. I've had my dog for 5 years and love it just as much as anyone in my family. There is no doubt that I would grab my dog first if my house was on fire. In 2006, I won a Sidney Crosby Team Canada autographed jersey. It was quite amazing that I won it considering it was a raffle draw out of all of Canada. Sidney Crosby is a young superstar in the NHL who has already captained his team to win the Stanley Cup. The jersey is worth around $3000 and it will only get higher as Crosby continues to excel and accomplish more in his career. Thirdly, I would grab my XBOX 360. When I say that some might get the impression that I am a huge gamer which actully isn't true. While waiting for the insurance to kick in and get all the stuff you lost in flames back you need something to keep you entertained in your hotel. With an XBOX you can never get bored. You can play shooters like Halo 3 and sports games like NHL 10. If my house were to burn down I would have to have my XBOX to keep my mind off all the things that I lost in the fire. All my life I have collected jerseys and wear them to school quite often. They mean a lot to me considering I have payed over $200 for some of them to get customized with my name or my favorite players name on the back of them. I am one of the only people to wear sports jerseys and I am proud to have my own style and to be different then others. The jerseys are usually from cities that I've visited or cities that have sports teams that I follow. They mean a lot to mean considering that I plan to one day have a career in sports. While they may not protect me or benefit me in anyway, every time I throw one on I get a jolt of confidence. Lastly, if my house were to burn down I would have to grab some chips and pop and perhaps grab a lawn chair from outside and watch my house burn down. While it would be emotional to watch my house which I have spent 13 years of my life in burn to ground. It would be a crazy show watching your house fall apart while firemen rush to do there very best to put it out. My family obviously insures our house so with the insurance we could build a bigger more modern house that we could live in. The chips and pop well who doesn't like some snacks while watching something entertaining. In conclusion, if my house were to burn down the five things I would grab would be my dog, my Sidney Crosby Game Used autographed jersey, my XBOX 360, my jerseys, and some chips and pop to eat while watching my house burn to ashes. It would be sad but I do have five things that are important for me to have.