Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Superpower

If I could have any superpower in the world it would be the ability to fly amazingly fast. Not only is flying great for getting around and saving people like superman but its also great because you can travel anywhere without spending any money. You wouldn’t have to spend money on gas nor would you have to spend money on a plane ticket. You may ask why I have rejected such amazing talents like the ability to run superfast or a super stamina boost but when you think of how often people are rushing around to get to places in there cars being able to fly will save loads of time. In big cities while others are waiting anxiously in traffic jams to get to there destination if you could fly you wouldn’t have to wait in that annoying and painful traffic jam. Being able to fly also keeps me out of danger. If my enemy is lunging at me in an attacked position I can fly away in order to protect myself. Perhaps one day as I walk down a street and a boulder falls off a tall building as I look up I don’t have time to move but if I can fly super quickly and save myself from a excruciating death. Flying is great for travel as I can fly to Paris or Italy from North America in less then an hour and is great for protection as my enemy will never be able to hunt me down.

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